What is Thermal Spray?

The coating Material, in powder or wire form, is melted by a heat source and propelled using a stream of Gases or compressed air on to the prepared surface to form a coating.


Thermal Spray Powders

1. Metals & Alloys
a. Nickel Based
b. Molybdenum Based
c. Cobalt Based
d. Copper Based
e. Iron Based
2. Abradabale Powders
a. Aluminum Based
b. Cobalt Based
c. Nickel Based
d, Ceramic Based
e. Polymers
3. Ceramic Powders
a. Aluminum Oxide Based
b. Alumina – Titania
c. Zirconia
d. Zirconia Stabliized Yitria
e. Chromium Oxide
4. MCrAlys
a. Nickel Based
b. Cobalt Based
5. Carbides
a. Tungsten Carbide
b. Chromium Carbide
6. Self Fluxing Alloys
a. Nickel based
b. Iron Based

Thermal Spray wires

Thermal Spray wires

a. Nickel based
b. Iron based